- our mission statement

An open virtual library documenting past and present experiences of workers' control - our mission statement

This site aims to be a virtual open library for the collection and access to infromation, news, documentation and theoretical essays on past and current experiences of workers’ control. The fact that workers have at different times and in different geographical locations taken control, often spontaneously, of their work environment and started production, has a political and theoretical relevance that transcends the workplace and the organisation of production, configuring an alternative way of governing societies. By assuming the autonomous control of their work and denying the cogency of private property, workers, even if temporarily, put upside down the entire structure of capitalist relations of production, opening the room for the reinvention of production under their own control.

It is  this intrinsically emancipatory character that makes the knowledge and diffusion of documentation about experiences of workers’ control particularly important and this from both a political and theoretical perspective. In promoting collection and access to this documentation we aim this site could be a stimulus to put workers’ control at the centre of political and trade unions practice and to contribute, in a society dominated by the view that no alternative is possible, to a counter-hegemonic perspective.

This page depends on the active participation of the users. If you have any text that could enrich our collection, just send it to us - we will appreciate any suggestion. In our editorial team there is a different editor responsible for each language and region.

Please send your text suggestions through the contact form, specifying the relevant section.

Who we are >>>

The operating costs of the web site have been covered with the support of the following organizations. However, our sponsors are not involved in any way in the definition and selection of content.

Stiftung Menschenwürde und Arbeitswelt (Berlin)


Aktion Selbstbesteuerung e.V. (D)


Solifonds der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (D)

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (D)


Professional Staff Congress and Research Foundation of the City University of New York (USA)